Monday, November 29, 2010

Good Television in the Decade of Zeroes

I've been thinking about this a lot lately... Is it just me or has Television really moved closer to excellence in the past couple years? Since The Sopranos debuted over a decade ago, producers have really upped the ante on what Television can do. And it's bled from less edgy channels like HBO to some (I use that word VERY lightly) broadcast networks. We've seen some of the best television ever made! The Wire, Mad Men, Arrested Development, Lost, The West Wing, Family Guy, 24, Veronica Mars, Six Feet Under, Friday Night Lights, Modern Family, Dexter, Battlestar Galactica, House, Breaking Bad, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Glee (though I personally have a love/hate relationship with that show), Alias, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (A little older, but we're still feeling it's impact),  30 Rock, (I could go on and on) enter the fray to change what we expect out of Television shows.  The Wire and Mad Men will probably go down as the Citizen Kane and Casablanca of Television. In the Decade of Zeroes, I think people will remember what came from the Tube than what came from the Silver Screen.