Ok. So. After a year of NOT posting a word... I thought, what the heck, maybe I'll try this again.
Sadly, it's like having a savings account. The intention is great. The follow-through, not so much. Which brings me to laziness.
Laziness. la·zy - adjective, -zi·er, -zi·est, verb, -zied, -zy·ing.
averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.
causing idleness or indolence: a hot, lazy afternoon.
slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy stream.
(of a livestock brand) placed on its side instead of upright.
Why would I rather sit online and browse for hours on end, watch funny in-the-moment videos of cat's playing Rachmaninoff on YouTube, but not establish a routine for blogging? Even if it's just two pithy sentences.
I don't have an answer for that. However, in a moment of epiphany I thought, let me make it a goal to at least have ONE thing to say this week. So, this isn't actually that one thing, which I'm in the process of figuring out, but by Friday, I surely will. Think of it more as a trigger to get there.
To be continued...